DVD: The Return of the Christ & the Shepherd Kings

DVD: The Return of the Christ & the Shepherd Kings

The Return of the Christ
& The Shepherd Kings
2 1/2 HR. 2 disc Set DVD – $30

From biblical sources we learn that the birth of Jesus had long been predicted by Jewish prophets, as well as sages in several different lands. Likewise we learn that the birth of Buddha, Pythagoras, and Mithra had also been prophesied by the wise men of their eras. Today millions of Christians around the world await the Second Coming of Jesus, wondering exactly what form such a rebirth would take. This fascinating historical odyssey takes us on a journey into a world of deep spiritual Mysteries, where we discover the existence of the Four Great Kumaras, the four “eternally deathless Sons of God” who incarnate periodically on our planet.

Long spoken within the innermost circles of the Ancients, and chronicled in the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of India, it is believed that Jesus, Buddha, Thoth, Horus, Krishna, Rama and Osiris were all incarnations of these powerful and illumined Bodhisattvas. But who are the Four Great Kumaras and by what signs shall we know them? How do they differ from one another, and what evidence is there that they have walked the Earth in past ages, and will walk the Earth again? How are they connected with the Great White Brotherhood and the establishment of the spiritual Mystery Schools? What are their hermetic signs and seals that have followed them from one incarnation to the next? And perhaps most intriguingly, are they returning to our planet today? This is one presentation you won’t want to miss!