Hi, Welcome to New Age Spiritual Tours
where we have been taking pilgrims on sacred journeys for over twenty years. Since 1994 we have taken groups to:
Mount Shasta
the Four Corners area
and Italy many times
We have held ceremonies inside of the Great Pyramid on the Summer Solstice, counted the stars under celestial skies in South America, visited the Magdalene Mysteries in the south of France, climbed the Tor in Glastonbury, and interacted with inter-dimensional beings in the Pluto Caves of Mount Shasta. We have called space ships in in Peru, watched areal light ships over Lake Titicaca, run wild with the white horses on the beaches of Saint Marie de la Mer, dined by candlelight in the forests of Italy, and held sweat lodges in the desert.
Each of our trips is unique and amazing and all of them are focused on spiritual connection and activation.
We arrange many of our tours directly, although some are co-sponsored with other traveling partners. Some trips are accompanied by one Primary Speaker, while others include two or three Leading Edge Guides.
Our journeys usually last for one week or two weeks, or in some cases ten or twelve days. Sometimes we often a first week or ten days, with the option of a second spurt of 4 or 5 days, depending on the place, time, weather or season, and of course the power of the Sacred Sites.
We make every effort to utilize weekends so that you miss as little time as possible if you work a regular 9:00 to 5:00 job.
In 2021 we are proud to announce a trip to Damanhur Italy, a magical community in the foothills of the Italian Alps that is slowly changing the world. We have a webpage that will show you more, but at this time we have not yet chosen the dates for 2021.
And in 2022 we hope to take a group to Scotland to Rosslyn Chapel, the Isle of Man, and the Isle of the Dove to explore the Mysteries of the Knights Templar. So please stay tuned!!
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Tricia is taking a break from her Spiritual Journeys right now to take care of her 94 year old mother in Atlanta.
If you are interested in traveling with her to Egypt, Scotland, Britain, the South of France for the Magdalene Mysteries,
or any of the other amazing Sacred Sites in the world, then please email us at triciamccannonspeaks@yahoo.com and let us know.
We will send out an email Newsletter to you when she is traveling once again.