Questions: Dialogues with the Angels

Questions: Dialogues with the Angels

Dialongues with the Angels book1. How would you describe yourself to someone just meeting you and your work for the first time? You are the author of two books? What are they called? 


2. As a child you were able to see not only Angels, but to hear them as well. What is this called?

3. Do you think that all children experience the presence of Angels?


4. Your book talks about how at an early age you could see and hear these other types of beings. What if someone just feels them? Is that just as valid? Do you think everyone has the potential for these same abilities? 


5. There’s a chapter I know a lot of people will identify with about your difficulties in growing up in a dysfunctional family. You write that many “old souls” choose this kind of difficulty deliberately in order to prepare themselves for some sort of spiritual growth. What do you mean by that? 


6. In the book you talk about the Universe having many different levels, or planes of reality. Where do we go when we dream? 


7. In your chapter called The Angel of Death, you tell the story of an Angel who appeared by the bedside of a friend of yours. You both travel with the Angel to “the other side” to see where your friend is going to live when he passes over. Can you tell us something about what happens when we die? 


8. Do we each have a guardian Angel? Are there other kinds of spirit guides besides Angels? 


9. In your book you talk about reincarnation as being part of the original Christian and Jewish teachings that were taken out of the Bible. Can you tell us about that? 


10. How does someone decide to come back for another lifetime? Do we choose our families and environments? Do we choose what kind of bodies we are going to have? 


11. Why is it important to know about our past lives and why do you think we forget everything from lifetime to lifetime? 


12. One of the things you relate most strongly concerns the importance for emotional healing from lifetime to lifetime. Can you talk about that?