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Keynote Speaker
Press Kit Overview
Speaking Programs
Ancient Forbidden Knowledge
The Divine Feminine
UFO’s & Angels
Galactic Alignment Speaking Series
Faith, Healing, and Personal Empowerment
The Christian Mysteries
The Jewish Mysteries
Soul Readings
Astrological Readings
Past Life Regressions
Healings & Clearings
Healing Intensives
Vows, Curses & Bindings
Book: Angels Divine Encounters
Overview: Angels Divine Encounters
RAVE REVIEWS FOR: Angels – Divine Encounters
Angel Book Excerpt
Angel Interview Questions
Books: Dialogues With the Angels
OVERVIEW: Dialogues with the Angels
Rave Reviews for Dialogues with the Angels
Excerpt: Dialogues with the Angels
Article: Angels, Devas & Mortals
Questions: Dialogues with the Angels
Books: Return of the Divine Sophia
Overview: Return of the Divine Sophia
Rave Reviews for Sophia
Excerpt: Return of the Divine Sophia
Excerpt: Sophia Chapter 2
Questions: Return of the Divine Sophia
Books: Jesus and the Ancient Mystery Religions
Overview: Jesus Book
Rave Reviews of Jesus
Excerpt: Jesus
Questions: Jesus
Books: The Angelic Origins of the Soul
OVERVIEW: Angelic Origins of the Soul
Rave Reviews of the Angelic Origins of the Soul
Excerpt: The Angelic Origins of the Soul
Questions: Angelic Origins of the Soul
Online Courses
Mary Magdalene & the Return of the Goddess
Mysteries of Ancient Egypt Course
Jesus & the Secret Schools of Initiation Course
Anunnaki & Tree of Life Course
Galactic Awakening & the Solar Lords Course
DVD: The Coming Age of Aquarius
DVD: Angels & the Anunnaki
DVD: Angels and Extraterrestrials
DVD: Atlantis the Lost Civilization
DVD: The Philosopher’s Stone
DVD: Hermetics – Keys to the Kingdom
DVD: Thoth Alchemist of the Gods
DVD: Thoth & the 7 Principles of Hermetic Law
DVD: Connecting with Your Spirit Guides
DVD: Blueprint of the Soul
DVD: The Goddess and the Cycles of Time
DVD: Ascension Codes & the Tree of Life
DVD: Jesus & the Great White Brotherhood
DVD: The Secret Teachings of Jesus
DVD: The Return of the Christ & the Shepherd Kings
DVD: The Lost Years of Jesus I
DVD: The Lost Years of Jesus II
DVD: Isis Mother of the World
DVD: The Sacred Marriage
DVD: Time Travel, UFO’s, Atlantis, and World Changes
DVD: The Nine Orders of the Angels
DVD: Beyond This World
DVD: The Mystical Keys of King Solomon
DVD: The Keys of Enoch
Webinar: Thoth & the Emerald Tablets
Webinar: Antarctica & Advanced Ancient Civilizations
Webinar-Angels & the Anunnaki
Webinar: Giants, Fairies & Strange Archaeology
Webinar: Blueprint of the Soul
Webinar: Atlantis & the New Earth
Webinar: Nostradamus & Hopi Prophecy
Webinar: Mayan Prophecies
Webinar: UFOs Ancient & Modern
Media Room
Article: Anunnaki Gods – A Short History
Article: Anunnaki Gods – Tyrants or World Civilizers?
Article: UFOs in the World Today
Article: Fairies and Little People
Article: Giants & ETs
Article: Alien Beings
Article: Atlantis the Lost Civilization
Article: Power Within the Land
Article: Divinity Here Now
Article: Whole Brain Thinking
Article: Astrology as a Tool to Your Purpose
Article: Birthchart of the Royal Prince
YouTube Videos
Mystery School
About the Founder
About the Phoenix Fire Mystery School
Online Mystery School Classes
What is a Mystery?
Introduction to the Mysteries
Awakening to the Mysteries
The Magical Worlds of Dreaming
Blueprint of the Soul & the Nine Orders of Angels
Human Evolution & The Cycles of Time
The Amazing World of Crystals
The Wonderful World of Plants
The Shamanic World of Animals
The Hero’s Journey
The Tree of Life
Telepathy, Psychic Self Defense and the Aura
Becoming the Priest or Priestess
Introduction to the Mysteries
Egyptian Magic & Alchemy
Spiritual Journeys
Damanhur: Journey to Italy
Photo Gallery
CD: Earth Changes
CD: The Seven Circles of Prayer
CD: UFO’s in the World Today
CD: The ET Origins of Life
CD: UFOs & Ancient Civilizations
CD: Planetary Vortexes & Sacred Sites
MP3: Jesus & the Power of Hermetics
MP3 Gods & the Power of Archetype
MP3: Footprints of the Divine Mother
MP3: Galactic Gateway & Earth Changes
Purchase History