DVD: Hermetics – Keys to the Kingdom

DVD: Hermetics – Keys to the Kingdom

Hermetics: Keys to the Kingdom
2 HR. 1 disc DVD – $20


Hermetics has long been known as the sacred language of the Mysteries for it encodes certain fundamental truths within it that continue to resonate through time.  As a symbol language of wisdom, its simple but profound, and sometimes intricate images have multiple levels of meaning that take us into the Cosmos and bring us back to ourselves. They act as visual portals upon which we can meditate as we move deeper and deeper into the Mysteries of God, using them as Codes and Keys to unlock information hidden within our innermost being.

While most of us are largely unaware of this profound spiritual language, we do have certain symbols that have been left to us in our world today. Take for example the dove, the lion, and the eagle, all emblems that represent far more than what they appear on the surface. The dove is the emblem of peace, an icon of the Holy Mother. The Eagle is an emblem of one who sees all things, soaring through the highest Heavens. This would be God the Father. And the Lion is a symbol of one brave in heart, courageous in spirit, and gentle in love, emblems of the Son of Man.

In this beautiful and deeply inspiring DVD we present some of the key symbols for enlightenment that were used by the Ancients to transmit their knowledge through thousands of years of teaching. This is one presentation you don’t want to miss!