The Sample Pack
The Seven Circles of Prayer, UFOs in the World Today, and Earth Changes are all part of our CD Sample Pack. These three upbeat, information rich CDs are each only 20 minutes long, were recorded in the studio with original music, and deliver a powerful punch of well grounded information on three completely different topics.
Individually they are only $10 each or $25 for the set + shipping and handling.
Earth Changes takes us on a powerful science-based journey into the many exciting changes going on within our Solar System today, including the shifting of the poles by several of the outer planets, and takes a look at the many changes happening in our world today and the underlying reason for them. Along with Earth prophecies and Earth Changes, we take a briefly examine how these symptoms seems to point to an imminent Pole Shift, even perhaps within our lifetimes.
$10 Each CD if ordered separately + S&H $25 for the Set of Three
Additional shipping may be added for more than 3 CDs
UFOs the in the World Today gives us a strong, hard hitting, factual overview of the thousands of UFO sightings being seen across the world. A great primer for both the new, middle, and even the advanced student of Ufology, this exciting CD gives a short 20 minute review of the UFO situation that is happening at a worldwide level today in a positive non-threatening, and historical manner.
$10 Each CD if purchased separately + S&H $25 for the 3 CD Set.
Additional shipping may be added for more than 3 CDs
The Seven Circles of Prayer is a lovely spiritual meditation and practice that was given by a visiting Master from the higher worlds who came to visit one night and to teach this unique and profound approach to prayer. This insightful process counsels us to pray in a certain order, creating Seven concentric Circles of prayer that links ourselves and all living things in the Universe.
The center of the circle where we begin, counsels us first to pray for ourselves, for it is from this direct connection with Source that all things come into harmony. From this center point we can then move outward, praying in successive waves for our loved ones, our families, our communities, the animals and for the unity of Spirit that will eventually bring us into union with the Cosmos. Profound and insightful, we highly recommend it.
$10 Each CD if purchased separately + S&H $25 for the 3 CD Set.
Additional shipping may be added for more than 3 CDs
ORDER the SAMPLE PACK of All Three